Styled product photography for social media - Plush Organics

During alert level 5, in South Africa, Plush Organics contacted me to photograph all their products for their website and social media channels.

Deji, from Plush Organics wanted e-commerce product images on a white background as well as a few on a black background to compliment their already existing images, for their online store, and some styled layouts that they could use for social media.

I was very grateful to be able to photograph all their products during lockdown level 5, as during that time, no deliveries were allowed, except for essential items. Luckily Plush Organics supplies essential items and they were able to courier their products to me. I must say that, after weeks of being house bound and experiencing the eerie quietness in my town, it was very exciting to have my doorbell ring and receive their products from the courier.

Below are some images from the social media content shoot.


Food photography of a Chinese and Sushi restaurant in Cape Town


Photographing beautiful glassware products