Cape Town International Convention Centre in 2020 during lockdown


Photographing the CTICC in October 2020 was quite different from my shoot the previous year. In 2019 the place was hustling and bustling, there were people around, going about their business, eating happily in the restaurants, discussing business in the various meeting areas, conferences and functions taking place in many of the venues. It was a hive of activity. My shoot had to be carefully timed with the already pre-booked activities.

2020 was very different. Besides the permission and admin required to access the building took a while, especially as the CTICC had been used as a field hospital for Covid patients, but on shoot day, it was quite eerie. There were very few people around. Most of the staff were working from home, the restaurants were all closed and obviously, there were no functions or conferences being held. It was very strange - weirdly quiet and actually quite emotional.

Here are a few of the images from the day.


Christmas furniture product photoshoot for Sofa Company


Beautiful glass perfume bottle photography